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What are the guidelines for guest badges?Each celebrity will receive four (4) guest badges in addition to a caddy badge that allows access to the clubhouse dining. Additional badges can be purchased for $350 each from Dave Mueller at check in.
What is the policy for admittance into the American Century hospitality tent?Celebrities, along with up to four of their guests with valid AC embossed credentials, are invited to the American Century hospitality tent adjacent to the driving range. Player's caddies are also allowed, provided they accompany their respective player.
How do I reserve practice round tee times?Please call Mike Milthorpe in the Tournament Office at 386-679-2048 after June 24th.
What is the dress code for practice rounds and tournament play?Shorts are permitted for practice rounds and celeb am tournament on Thursday. Male celebrity players must wear slacks during tournament play Friday – Sunday. Female celebrities may wear shorts all days.
What is the tournament policy on carts?Celebrities playing in the field Friday – Sunday must walk with their caddy. At no time, will carts be allowed for friends or family members. Carts will be allowed for practice rounds and celeb – am events.
What is the policy for airport transportation?Please refer to the Airport Transportation section on this registration website.
When and where is the mandatory Player meeting?It is Wednesday July 9th at 6:30pm at Harvey's Improv Club located on the second floor above the main lobby. Shuttles from/to the Lodge will be available starting at 6:00 pm.
What is the policy on the driving range?During tournament play, the range is for players and caddies only. Range operating hours will be posted daily.
What is the policy for Harrah’s complimentary celebrity room?Each celebrity in the field is provided one (1) complimentary room for five (5) nights courtesy of Harrah’s. If the celebrity chooses not to utilize the room for his or her own personal use, please note of this upon registering. If the celebrity is not using the room, and would like to designate the complimentary room, you may do so, but the room will be charged at the tournament rate.
What is the security policy for the tournament?Keeping in line with the PGA TOUR and all the majority of major sporting events, the tournament has instituted a “clear bag” policy. No longer will back packs, large non clear purses or bags will be allowed on the tournament grounds. Security personnel will be checking at the shuttle loading areas, so please share this information with friends and family members attending the event.
What is the policy for the Wednesday night party at Harvey’s outdoor amphitheater?As this is a private, invitation only event there are no tickets required. You will be given wrist bands at check in at the venue. Please note that due to the nature of the private event that minors will not be admitted by Harrah's security personnel.

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